Simplified KC's Tips for Fall Organizing
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Simplified KC's Tips for Fall Organizing

As the leaves change color and the air turns crisp, Fall brings a sense of warmth and coziness to our homes. It's the perfect time to prepare your living space for the upcoming holiday season and stay organized throughout the cooler months. To help you get started, here are our top 10 Fall organizing tips that will make your home a haven of comfort and efficiency.

1. Closet Overhaul:

Begin by going through your warm weather wardrobe. Store or donate clothes you won't need in the colder months to create space for your Fall and Winter attire. Consider using storage bins to keep seasonal clothing organized.

2. Seasonal Clothing Rotation:

Bring out your cozy sweaters, scarves, and winter coats from storage. Arrange them by type and color, making it easy to find what you need when the temperatures drop.

3. Entryway Organization:

Set up a dedicated area near your front door for storing coats, scarves, and boots. Install hooks, shelves, or a storage bench to keep your entryway tidy and functional.

4. Fall Cleaning Spree:

Before the holiday season begins, undertake a thorough Fall cleaning. Focus on ceiling fans, windows, curtains, and the nooks and crannies that may have been overlooked throughout the year. A clean home is the foundation of a welcoming space.

5. Outdoor Cleanup:

Tackle the garden and yard by raking leaves, trimming bushes, and storing summer outdoor furniture properly. Preparing your outdoor space now will save you the headache before the weather gets too cold.

6. Holiday Decorations:

As you pack away your holiday decorations, take the time to declutter and organize them. If you don't love something or didn't use it this year, consider donating. Label containers so you can easily locate specific decorations when the time comes to decorate the following year.

7. Home Office Optimization:

With work projects and school assignments in full swing, make sure your home office is organized and efficient. Declutter your desk, organize your files, and create a productive workspace.

8. Digital Cleanup:

Fall is a great time to organize your digital life. Clean up your computer files, back up important data, and declutter your email inbox to enhance productivity.

9. Entryway

Declutter and organize your entryway to make room for coats, scarves, and boots. Consider installing hooks, shelves, and storage bins to give each item and home and keep them off the ground.

10. Guest Room and Bathroom Prep:

If you're expecting holiday guests, refresh your guest room and bathroom. Stock up on fresh linens, toiletries, and other essentials to ensure your visitors feel welcome and comfortable.

Fall is the perfect time to transition your home into a cozy and organized sanctuary. By following these Fall organizing tips, you can create a space that's not only welcoming but also efficient for the upcoming season. Whether you're preparing for holiday gatherings or simply seeking a more comfortable living environment, these will help you stay on top of your organization game. Embrace the beauty of Fall with a well-organized and clutter-free home.

If you're feeling stuck and need help getting started, the Simplified KC team would love to come alongside you to help declutter and organize your space. Schedule a Free Consultation today by visiting our Website or contacting Emily at

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